Food as Medicine Research

We are currently enrolling participants in two Food As MedicinE (FAME) studies.

Current Studies

Community Servings prepares and delivers scratch-made, medically tailored meals to individuals with chronic and critical illnesses in Massachusetts.

We are currently enrolling participants in two studies looking at the impact of using Food As MedicinE (FAME). The studies are NIH-funded randomized clinical trials being conducted in partnership with researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Study 1:  Food As MedicinE for Diabetes  (FAME-D)

Study 2: Food As MedicinE for HIV and Diabetes (FAME-H)

For useful nutrition tips, tricks, healthy recipes, and more, visit and “like” our FAME Facebook page!

Study 1: FAME-D

This study aims to determine if increasing access to healthy food will improve blood sugar control for those with diabetes and food insecurity.

We are looking to recruit 200 individuals to participate from the communities throughout Community Servings service area. Qualifying participants will be randomly assigned to one of two groups detailed below.

Click here for answers to FAQs.

Group 1 Will: 

  • Receive ten medically tailored meals (five lunches, five dinners, milk, and some other snack items) from Community Servings. These meals will be delivered to your home each week for six months.
  • Receive six lifestyle change coaching sessions.
  • Receive six follow-up calls two weeks after the coaching sessions.
  • Complete three study session calls where you will answer questions about food, health, and social circumstances.
  • Receive a nurse home visit. The nurse will follow strict COVID-19 safety measures, draw blood, take your blood pressure, and measure your height and weight.
  • Be sent a $20 gift card  after three months of participation in the study and after a six-month check-in with a nurse. At month 12, participants will also receive a $50 gift card after the final nurse visit.
Apply to FAME-D Study

Group 2 Will:

  • Receive a $40 grocery store gift card to purchase healthy foods once a month for six months.
  • Receive six follow-up calls to check-in and review the types of foods purchased with the gift card.
  • Complete three study session calls where you answer questions about food, health, and social circumstances.
  • Receive a home visit from a nurse following each study session call. The nurse will follow strict COVID-19 safety measures, draw blood, take your blood pressure, and measure your height and weight.
  • Be sent a $20 gift card  after three months of participation in the study and after a six-month check-in with a nurse. At month 12, participants will also receive a $50 gift card after the final nurse visit.

Study 2: FAME-H

This study aims to determine if increasing access to healthy food will increase weight loss and improve blood sugar control for those with HIV and diabetes or high risk for diabetes.

We are looking to recruit 200 individuals to participate from the communities throughout Community Servings service area. Qualifying participants will be randomly assigned to one of two groups detailed below.

Click here for answers to FAQs.

Group 1 Will:

  • Receive 10 medically tailored meals (5 lunches, 5 dinners, milk and some other snack items) from Community Servings. These meals will be delivered to your home each week for 12 months.
  • Receive 20 lifestyle change coaching sessions over the phone with a dietitian.
  • Complete four study session calls where you answer questions about food, health, and social circumstances.
  • Receive a nurse home visit. Until further notice, the nurse will follow strict COVID-19 safety measures, draw blood, take your blood pressure, and measure your height and weight.
  • Be sent a $20 gift card upon enrollment and again after completing check-ins with a nurse at six and twelve months. At month 18, participants will receive a $50 gift card after completing a final check-in with a nurse. 
  • Continue to receive meals from Community Servings once the study is over by submitting the recertification paperwork.
Apply to FAME-H Study

Group 2 Will:

  • Receive 10 medically tailored meals (5 lunches, 5 dinners, milk, and some other snack items) from Community Servings. These meals will be delivered to your home each week for 12 months.
  • Receive a phone check-in call with a dietitian at 6 and 12 months from the start of the study.
  • Complete four study session calls where you answer questions about food, health and social circumstances.
  • Receive a nurse home visit. Until further notice, the nurse will follow strict COVID-19 safety measures, draw blood, take your blood pressure, and measure your height and weight.
  • Be sent a $20 gift card upon enrollment and again after completing check-ins with a nurse at six and twelve months. At month 18, participants will receive a $50 gift card after completing a final check-in with a nurse. 
  • Continue to receive meals from Community Servings once the study is over by submitting the recertification paperwork.

Research Management

Our research team is made up of four registered dietitians committed to expanding the body of evidence around the use of food as medicine and medically tailored meals.

Jessica Burch oversees the coordination, management, and recruitment for the two studies.

For questions or more information, email Jessica at , or call 617-752-9410.


Colleen Forrest is our research dietitian. She oversees the counseling of participants randomized to receive lifestyle coaching for both of the Food As Medicine studies.

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